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Microsoft Windows Vista Update
Our training materials were fully tested and operational with the beta version of Windows Vista. However, some customers using Windows Vista are now experiencing difficulties viewing our training. We are currently working with Microsoft to correct this issue.
To view the most common Vista issues and our recommendations, view Windows Vista FAQs.
If you would like to receive additional updates regarding viewing our tutorials with Windows Vista, or provide feedback on issues you are encountering, you may email us at [email protected].
2nd monitor full screen mode issue.
Download for set 1
Download for set 2
Download this file improve the video feedback.
We made the choice to use the Northwind database because it’s supported by both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. Microsoft doesn’t ship the Northwind database with SQL Server 2005. If you are using SQL Server 2005 and need the Northwind database, you can download it from the Microsoft website, and install it into your copy of SQL Server 2005.
Download Installation instructions.
In Part 2, Lesson 6, of ASP.NET 2.0 – Set 1, if you see the same movie playing for both topics 4 and 5, then download this revised video to view the correct topic 5
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007
The acronym XSLT was accidentally replaced with the acronym XXLT in some places within the training series.